Journaling Prompts for beginners

Easy Journaling Prompts For Beginners

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Journaling is by far one of the most effective habits for personal development. It is one such activity that has profound benefits. Not only does it impact your writing and thinking skills but also helps maintain good standards of mental health. In an era where digitalization has taken over, and the norm of expressing one thought has been changed from penning down something to capturing it in visuals, it does not provide the same benefits to the doer. Most people are usually in search of easy journaling prompts for beginners to get started.

Opting to journal using a conventional approach, through pen and paper, or typing it out in a digital notepad, has become obsolete in this highly visual-appealing time. This post is specifically dedicated to honoring journaling by providing some journaling prompts for beginners so more and more people can experience the benefit of this blessing. 

Below are some easy journaling prompts for beginners along with different styles of writing and the possible aspects they can cover.

Free Form or Freewriting

This is usually practiced by timing yourself. Typically, you can begin with a timer of 3 to 5 minutes and gradually increase according to your preferences. You can alter the timing part and have a long writing session if you feel like it. Remember, you make the rules here! Some common prompts for free-form journaling are:

  1. Write whatever you want to fill pages in a set timer

Set a timer of 3 to 5 minutes and begin writing. A tricky question here is what to write. Just pen down anything that comes to your mind until the timer runs out. It can be anything. This helps you write more things quickly and clear your thoughts.

  1. Thoughts

Pen down your thoughts, especially intrusive ones, so they aren’t given much time to stress. It would help refine and eliminate cloudy thoughts, assisting you in focusing better for the rest of your day.

Thoughts Journaling Prompts for beginners
  1. Opinions

Sometimes, we don’t share every opinion we have over things out of fear of being judged. Everyone wants to be heard, and journaling is an avenue where you can pour out all of your thoughts since you’re the only one who will have access to it.

  1. Personal Stuff

We all face adversities and lows in our lives. And some of them are sometimes too personal to share even with your closest ones. Journaling is a safe way to ease your heart by ranting about your issues and problems. This practice is known as Brain Dump, which assists in easing anxiety and stress.

Gratitude Journaling

This type of journaling mainly involves expressing gratitude for every blessing in life, whether big or small. Things that bring us benefits or impact us positively must be appreciated, and journaling gives us a chance to do it. Below are some prompts for Gratitude Journaling.

  1. List three things you’re grateful for and how they impact your life.

This can contain anything from necessities like clothes, access to healthcare, etc, to super luxury possessions. Be grateful to god for his blessings.

  1. Reflect on a recent challenging situation or a setback and how it has contributed toward your personal growth.

Reflecting on something you perceived as something negative, and see at least one positive aspect. Express your gratitude for that lesson and how it has contributed positively toward your life.

  1. Write about people you’re grateful to have in your life.

This can be talking about your friends, family members, or even colleagues who play an important role in your life. Expressing gratitude for their presence and their contribution is a great aspect to journal about. 

  1. Describe your simple pleasures of life.

Here, you can journal about things you tend to enjoy daily. For example: you can appreciate how you love coffee or how reading a couple of pages of a book uplifts your mood.

  1. Expressing gratitude regarding an event that propelled excellence in you.

This can cover a story where you experienced a setback but later recovered so well in that particular domain that it needs to be highlighted.

Bullet Journaling

It is a way of short-form journaling. Bullet Journaling mainly involves writing about something in bullet form rather than paragraphs. It is often used for planning, organizing, etc. Some prompts for this type of journaling are:

  1. Creating a to-do list.

Involves jotting down points and tasks you wish to complete before a set time.

  1. Cultivating and tracking habits.

Use a visual format that motivates you, such as a habit tracker or progress chart. You can find some formats regarding habits here. Moreover, Atomic Habits, the book is an ultimate guide in building habits and getting rid of toxic ones. Consider giving it a read too!

  1. Listing one’s milestones and achievements.

Overviewing your past victories and milestones isn’t just motivating but is also a good habit to plan and analyze what could’ve been done better.

  1. Brainstorming about your future.

This type of bullet journaling prompt helps you create a plan of action, think of ways to get things done and plan for the future.

  1. Create a page dedicated to self-care activities.

List things that bring you joy and relaxation, and use it as a reference when needed.

Reflective Journaling

Reflective journaling is contemplating and expressing opinions and notions about particular events, incidents, and experiences. Some prompts for reflective journaling include:

  1. Self-reflection on your performance toward achieving your goals

A self-analysis can be beneficial in understanding what areas you lack and where you perform well. It allows us to strengthen strengths and minimize shortcomings.

  1. Pen down a recent experience that challenged your notion.

We all have preconceived notions about things that can be wrong. Challenging one’s perspective allows room for personal growth.

  1. Write about a goal you achieved recently.

This prompt can cover not only the goal itself but also the journey, the struggle behind it, and how long it took you to make it.

  1. Learnings.

Reflect on what and how you’ve learned things over a period. Let’s say, write about what did you learn this month. You can write on this prompt either daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on what suits you.

  1. Reflect on an instance where you felt proud.

This prompt can cover anything that made you proud. It can be your achievement or a victory of your loved one that enhanced your pride.

Goal-based Journaling

This type of journaling typically revolves around setting, planning, executing, and tracking the goals you’re in pursuit of or are planning to pursue. It helps maintain sound motivation and fosters consistency. Below are some prompts you can write about in a notebook while journaling. 

  1. Practice SMART Goal-setting

Goal setting must be done right to achieve those goals. You can spare some time and set goals using SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Time Specific) to make them more achievable.

  1. Analysis of a particular set goal

Reflect and evaluate the goal you’ve set. Is it worth pursuing? And how long will it take to get there?

  1. Obstacles and Solutions of pursuing a goal.

Achieving thy goals is a struggle. Before getting tangled in the struggle, list out all the possible hurdles and their potential solutions. 

  1. Tracking Progress and Evaluation

Write about how well you’ve done in achieving what you are currently striving for. Evaluate your performance and gain more clarity.

  1. Stratifying Long-term and Short-term goals.

We all have several types of goals to pursue. Some being more important than others. Classifying your goals according to the timespans would pave the way for you to achieve them.

Reading Journaling

Reading journaling is particularly for bookworms and avid readers. People who read often have the urge to express or talk about it before getting on with the next book. These prompts will help curb this urge of yours.

  1. Book Reviews

Write a review for the book you just finished reading. This can be written in a notebook, but it is preferable to write digitally on platforms like Goodreads

  1. Character Analysis

Describe the main characters in the story. How are they developed, and do you find them relatable or interesting?

  1. Feedback from the author

Write it in such a way that if you were the author of that particular book, what changes and additions you would have made to the content? What could’ve been done better if you were to write it?

  1. Learnings (if any)

This prompt may or may not be useful for fiction genre but for non-fiction, it’s one of the crux and fundamental aspects to talk about. Pen down what you learned from a book and how it can be useful.

  1. What is your favorite part of the book and why?

We never want a good book to finish. But even a good book may have certain sections that interest you less than other ones or vice versa. Write about your favorite part of the content followed by the reason.

reading a book

These were some journaling prompts for beginners to get started. To conclude, such prompts would not let you procrastinate on what to write while thinking to journal as they offer various prompts to ponder. Moreover, these prompts may also assist in cultivating journaling as a consistent habit in your life and would also enable you to experience the benefits of journaling daily. Use these prompts and pour out what rests inside you. Happy Journaling!

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