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Top 10 Benefits of Positive Thinking for Students

Academic success has several components. Among them is developing positive thinking. Are you also stuck, as a student, in the loop of negative thoughts? If yes, this writing about 10 benefits of positive thinking for students will give you enough clarity on what it can do to you and will make you drain those negative […]

Unveiling benefits public speaking blooms in an individual

Public speaking is more than just facing an audience, standing on a stage, and delivering a talk. It transcends the boundaries of a podium and possesses transformative potential for personal development. While public speaking might induce people with anxiety and a fear of being judged and facing an audience, coping with it holds immense power […]

How To Enhance Knowledge Through Regular Reading

The seas of knowledge and intellect are found between the covers of books. While humans in this generation cannot spare enough time and effort to go through what these manuscripts behold, they are left vacant and are losing their significance. Enhancing knowledge through regular reading used to be a ritual for people in the past, […]

Why is education important to society?

Education is the foundation of a prospering society. People who ask, “Why is education important to society?” may not realize education’s benefits. While acquiring blunt and bookish knowledge at schools might seem irrelevant in this era, it’s still something that’s a cornerstone for the success of a nation. In this article, we’ll discover why is […]

Mastering Reading Time Management: Strategies and More

Reading has become vague and unimportant in this era where people struggle with the rising power of mindless scrolling and exponentially growing screen time. While some consider reading to be a waste of time and scrolling to be responsible for their “happiness.” many in this debate try to find the balance between the two. There […]

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Who am I?

How should I describe myself? An avid reader? A Writer? A student? A learner? Well, I’m all of it! I’m Muhammad Taha, a university student from Lahore, Pakistan, who has a knack for self-improvement and wants people around him to embark on such a journey too.

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